Menu de Nouvel-An chez Kael & Kriss

Écrit par Kriss 26 décembre, 2008

En ce jour de fête nous vous proposons un menu thème chocolat, mais attention l’image n’est pas contractuelle et n’est pas au menu !

Apéritif :

Cocktail Sexual Chocolate

accompagné de

Samoussa Poulet-chocolat,

Cake emmental cacao, et autres délices

Entrée :

Foie gras et ses bijoux de chocolat

Brochettes vanillées de Saint-Jacques marinée à l’huile de cacao

Plat principal :

Civet de biche au cacao

sur lit de polenta et sa verdure


Fondue au chocolat

Café, Vin, Champagne, Fou rires et franche rigolade en supplément

Et pour commencer :

Categories : Les Ami(e)s Tags : , ,

26 décembre 2008

Comme l’image est petite et le texte difficilement lisible :

Chocolate is rich, dark and satisfying.
You are never disappointed when you open the wrapper.
Chocolate doesn’t care how many pieces you’ve eaten before.
Chocolate always hits the spot.
Chocolate doesn’t secretly want to be eaten by your best friend.
Chocolate doesn’t think the shopping channel is stupid.
Chocolate always smells good.
Chocolate won’t ask « Am I the best? » or « How was I? »
Chocolate doesn’t sulk if you don’t want it first thing in the morning.
Chocolates are easy to pick up.
Chocolate satisfies even when it has gone soft.
You can suck a piece of chocolate even in front of your mother.
Chocolate never leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
Chocolate doesn’t know what time of the month it is.
You don’t mind the brown stains left by chocolate.
With chocolate, size doesn’t really matter. It’s always good.
Chocolates do not wear white socks.
Chocolate doesn’t mind when you bite it’s nuts.
With chocolates, you don’t have to be a virgin more than once.
« If you love me you’ll swallow that » has real meaning with chocolate.
You can have more than one chocolate a night without ruining your reputation.
Chocolate doesn’t just think it’s smooth.
Chocolates aren’t into rope or leather.
You can tell just by looking at it that it hasn’t been in anyone elses mouth.

Ecrit par Kriss

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